Taiwan’s First Tailored Blood Knowledge Book for Adolescents, ’Easy Blood Lessons for Young Adults,’ is Born in 2023!


In order to help the younger generation understand blood knowledge better, the Taiwan Blood Services Foundation(TBSF) has created Taiwan's first educational illustrated book on blood knowledge designed specifically for teenagers, titled 'Easy Blood Lessons for Young Adults.' This book is filled with colorful images and presented in an easy-to-understand manner, aiming to assist teenagers in comprehending information about blood donation and its significance. The World Health Organization designates June 14th every year as World Blood Donor Day, a day to express gratitude to blood donors and promote blood donation, with the goal of making voluntary non-remunerated blood donation (VNRBD) a reality worldwide. This year's campaign theme is: “'Give blood, give plasma, share life, share often.” emphasizing the importance of giving and sharing. Choosing to launch the 'Easy Blood Lessons for Young Adults' book on World Blood Donor Day holds special significance, as we hope to plant the seeds of blood donation in the hearts of young adults and foster a habit of regular blood donation in the future.

TBSF President Hou Sheng-Mou posed for a photo with a student representative at the new book launch event. 

 (the forefront, fourth from the right) TBSF President Hou Sheng-Mou along with officials from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, medical professionals and the students, all captured in the photo-call at the new book launch event on Jun.14, 2023.


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  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:1177
  • Last Update:2023/08/18 11:16:44